![Panmela Castro, Luta no Museu [Fight at the Museum], da série Jogos [Games series], 2024](https://artlogic-res.cloudinary.com/w_1600,h_1600,c_limit,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto/artlogicstorage/panmelacastro/images/view/52a5cf3b1a84af3f30d5e8c90992962ej/panmelacastro-panmela-castro-luta-no-museu-fight-at-the-museum-da-s-rie-jogos-games-series-2024.jpg)
Luta no Museu [Fight at the Museum], da série Jogos [Games series], 2024
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Fight at the Museum
Museum Fight was created based on traditional arcade games. In this game, the fighters are artists who are friends of Panmela Castro from Rio de Janeiro. The settings depicted are the three main art institutions in Rio de Janeiro, according to the artist: the Museum of Art of Rio (MAR), the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro (MAM Rio), and the Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage. In a playful manner, the game is a fighting game between artists, where the winner gets to exhibit their work in the museum. Thus, Museum Fight is a place where we can express our impulses that are usually restrained in social interactions.
To play, choose a character; each artist has different skills. Meet the artist-characters:
- Allan Weber: Born in the favela Cinco Bocas, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A multimedia artist, his work encompasses photography, sculpture, and large-scale installations. Through his work, Weber appropriates elements and narratives intrinsically linked to the culture and reality of the favelas of his hometown.
- Anarkia Boladona: The pseudonym used by Panmela Castro between 2005 and 2015 in graffiti and tagging. During this period, the artist became one of the first women to gain visibility in the urban scene, a space traditionally dominated by cisgender men.
- Priscila Rooxo: Visual artist, activist, and student of Visual Arts at UERJ, living and working in Baixada Fluminense, a suburb of Rio de Janeiro. Rooxo’s work is a reflection on territorial, gender, and social class issues.
Vivian Caccuri: An artist and musicologist living in Rio de Janeiro. For the past 15 years, Caccuri has developed installations, performances, drawings, and embroideries that investigate how sound can disorient everyday experiences, inspire new forms of life, and alter power dynamics in society.
- Rafa Bqueer: Born in Belém, Pará, in 1992. Graduated in Visual Arts from UFPA. A multi-disciplinary artist, he works across drag art, samba schools, contemporary art, and cinema. He investigates the field of performance and its intersections with racial issues and LGBTQIA+ activism.
Ideias Radicais Sobre o Amor - Museu de Arte do Rio
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
De agosto à novembro de 2024