Rio: a medida da terra: Galeria FLEXA, Rio de Janeiro

11 May - 3 August 2024
works by around 40 artists covering a time span from the early 19th century to the present.

Landscape painting in Brazil has historically been linked to pretexts of representing the territory. Thus, the pictorial illustration of its geographic space cannot be totally detached from political interests inherent to the colonization project. Rio de Janeiro, the country's capital between 1763-1960, was widely represented by Brazilian and European painters.

At different times, they represented Rio's spatial reality in their productions, either by showing us the so-called conventional postcards from a different angle, or by presenting other views capable of suggesting new ways of seeing and thinking about the city. The 'Landscape as a palimpsest' section of the exhibition "Rio: the measure of the earth" produces a panorama that allows us a transtemporal tour of Rio and highlights the plurality of ways in which its natural and urban contours are presented.


Curated by the gallery’s artistic director, Luisa Duarte, and with curatorial assistance from Lucas Alberto, the group show "Rio: a medida da terra” (Rio: the measure of the earth) brings together works by Adriana Varejão, Agrippina Roma Manhattan, Antonio Dias, Beatriz Milhazes, Carlos Zilio, Heitor dos Prazeres, Henry Chamberlain, Ivens Machado, Lívio Abramo, Lucia Laguna, Lygia Clark, Lygia Pape, Luiz Zerbini, Márcia Falcão, Panmela Castro, Wanda Pimentel, among others.

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