The centrality of Black thought in the field of Brazilian visual arts, in different times and places. This is one of the main premises that guide the curatorial process of the exhibition "Dos Brasis – Arte e Pensamento Negro" (From the Brazils – Black Art and Thought), the most comprehensive exhibition dedicated exclusively to the production of Black artists ever held in the country.
Black Thought – The exhibition presents works in various artistic languages such as painting, photography, sculpture, installations, and video installations, produced between the late 18th century and the 21st century by 240 Black artists, including men and women, from all states of Brazil.
For its realization, curators Hélio Menezes and Igor Simões were invited. In 2022, the project comes under the general curatorship of Simões, with associate curators Marcelo Campos and Lorraine Mendes.
To reach this expressive and representative number of Black artists, present throughout the national territory, two important fronts were opened. Firstly, on-site research was conducted in all regions of Brazil with the participation of Sesc in each state, aiming to bring Black voices in Brazilian art to the public. These actions unfolded into activities and programs such as lectures, portfolio readings, exhibitions, among others, with a local focus. It is worth noting that this process paid special attention to not being limited only to the capitals of the country but also encompassing the artistic production of the Black population in various locations, such as inland cities and Quilombola communities.
The curatorial team researched artworks and documents in studios, portfolios, and public and private collections to offer the public the opportunity to learn about a slice of the history of art produced by the Black population in Brazil and understand the centrality of Black thought in Brazilian art.