+ Acervo: caminhos para as aquisições do MACRS: MACRS Museu de Arte Contemporânea do Rio Grande do Sul

4 April - 26 May 2024

In "+ Acervo: caminhos para as aquisições do MACRS” (+ Collection: paths for MACRS acquisitions), curated by Adriana Boff, Camila Schenkel Monteiro, Daniele Alana, Fernanda Albuquerque Izis Abreu, Jaqueline Beltrame, Mariane Rotter and Mel Ferrari, members of the MACRS Collection and Curatorship Committee, the Museum aims to bring to the public the importance of the criteria that guide the formation of an art collection. In this way, the exhibition aims not only to present MACRS's most recent acquisitions, but also to expose the reflections and challenges that led to the development of its current acquisitions policy, which seeks to continue and consolidate previous movements.

In view of these considerations, artists such as Ayrson Heraclito, Panmela Castro and Moisés Patrício were included in the collection, contributing to racial representativeness, for example, and new works by existing artists were added to the collection, such as Rochelle Costi, Zoravia Bettiol, Aline Bispo and Leandro Machado. This measure demonstrates MACRS' renewed commitment to multiplicity and integration, seeking to correct historical disparities and promote equity in the exhibition and appreciation of artistic production.

It also highlights the importance of strengthening the relationship between the collection and the museum's program by including works that have been part of its exhibitions. The aim of this process is to achieve sustainable growth based on axes that are in line with MACRS' mission to preserve and protect its collection so that it can consolidate its position as a benchmark in contemporary art, constituting a relevant heritage for research and accessible learning processes in art and culture.

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