Toda vez que se fura uma obra, muitas outras surgem: Museu do Supremo Tribunal Federal, Brasília

9 August - 16 October 2023
"The idea is to deal with democracy in an inclusive way, to bring minorities together to talk about their perspective on democracy in artistic language. So some of the invited artists already had work along these lines, and that's why they were invited. Bringing this reflection to the Supreme Court makes it possible to expand the voices that can speak about democracy," says Federal Prosecutor Fabiana Schneider.

The exhibition "Toda vez que se fura uma obra, muitas outras surgem" (Every time a work of art is drilled, many others arise) seeks to reflect on the events of January 8th. On that occasion, in addition to the depredation of the Planalto Palace, the National Congress and the Federal Supreme Court, valuable works were looted and destroyed. Considering that the criminal acts caused damage to historical and artistic heritage, the ANPR decided to use art to call on society to reflect on these acts.

"Art also gives us the chance to re-signify facts, to alert people, through feeling, to the risks of certain behaviors. The exhibition seeks precisely this awakening of sensitivity and the importance of democracy, using as its motto the violent acts that negate the very notion of society," says ANPR president Ubiratan Cazetta.

In this exhibition, Panmela presents her work "The Feminicide of Pindorama", 2022.

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