
The Museum of Modern Art of Bahia has received the exhibition "Entreatos do Acervo" (Interludes of the Collection), composed of 25 artists from different generations. The opening of the exhibition is part of the official program of "March Woman Calendar," an action by the Government of the State of Bahia in partnership with various secretariats.

The chronology of the exhibition begins with modernist icon Tarsila do Amaral, born in 1873, and reaches Ani Ganzala, a Bahian artist born in 1998. According to curator Daniel Rangel, "the initiative aims to occupy the free spaces of MAM, between the setups of the big exhibitions, with small thematic cuts of the collection and short-duration shows. This is the first chapter, and it is dedicated to women."

In the exhibition, Panmela Castro presents her work "Ana Cláudia Lemos Pacheco," from the series "Deriva Afetiva Salvador" (Affective Drift Salvador).