In the performance "Rupture," the audience leads a three-act ritual that closes a cycle begun by the artist in her first public performance in 2015, as part of the exhibition "Radical Ideas Of Love" at the Museum of Art of Rio (MAR).
In the first act, the audience offers a collection of pink lipsticks, with which the artist searches for the "perfect lipstick," symbolizing the pursuit of unattainable ideals — a metaphor for life's senseless dreams and goals. In the second act, they watch as the artist tattoos the image of a giant bear on her arm, opposite the apple tattooed in the first "Rupture." The bear represents strength and presence, symbolizing protection and belonging, reinforcing the weight of relationships built over time. In the third act, the audience cuts the artist's hair, ending cycles and creating space for the new in a gesture of rupture and renewal.
In the first act, the audience offers a collection of pink lipsticks, with which the artist searches for the "perfect lipstick," symbolizing the pursuit of unattainable ideals — a metaphor for life's senseless dreams and goals. In the second act, they watch as the artist tattoos the image of a giant bear on her arm, opposite the apple tattooed in the first "Ruptura." The bear represents strength and presence, symbolizing protection and belonging, reinforcing the weight of relationships built over time. In the third act, the audience cuts the artist's hair, ending cycles and creating space for the new in a gesture of rupture and renewal.
Honra ao Mérito
Performance Honra Ao Mérito
Performance Honor to MeritThe performance emerges as a gesture of reparation and self-worth within the exhibition “Radical Ideas About Love”. By placing women, cis and trans, at the center of an action of recognition, the work reflects the power of self-love and community affection, while questioning the invisibility and historical erasure of these women. -
O Culto Contra Os Embustes, foi realizado no último sábado, dia 17/08 no MAR como parte da programação da exposição Ideias Radicais Sobre O Amor, curada por Daniela Labra e Maybel Sulamita. No Culto colocamos uma intenção na queima do Embuste para fortalecer nossa auto-estima e energia vital e assim, romper com todo abuso e violência afastando os indivíduos malígnos de nossa vida.