Posts by Ateliê Panmela Castro

  • Honra ao Mérito
    Honra ao Mérito

    Performance Honra Ao Mérito

    Performance Honor to Merit
    Ateliê Panmela Castro by Ateliê Panmela Castro
    The performance emerges as a gesture of reparation and self-worth within the exhibition “Radical Ideas About Love”. By placing women, cis and trans, at the center of an action of recognition, the work reflects the power of self-love and community affection, while questioning the invisibility and historical erasure of these women.
  • Márcia Falcão, Artists in the Studio Series
    Márcia Falcão, Artists in the Studio Series

    ArtRio 2023

    Panmela Castro opens her first SOLO exhibition at ArtRio. The artist will also be present at the stands of the Inhotim Institute and the Rede NAMI , as well as debate tables throughout the event.
    Ateliê Panmela Castro by Ateliê Panmela Castro