Red acrylic paint smears the hem of the white voile like the bride’s dripping blood. The bride is a symbol of naivety and the idea of romantic love that imprisons thousands of cis and trans women in situations of abuse, domestic violence and that often make femicide more violent.
Femicide is a gender-based hate crime term: the murder of women. In 2016, a woman was murdered every two hours (Brazilian Public Security Yearbook), totaling 4,657 deaths. The risk of a black woman being murdered in Brazil is twice as high as a white woman. In the case of these women, in addition to gender motivation, the racial issue is taken into account, showing the failure of public policies, since they do not reach peripheral black women.
Femicide is a gender-based hate crime term: the murder of women. In 2016, a woman was murdered every two hours (Brazilian Public Security Yearbook), totaling 4,657 deaths. The risk of a black woman being murdered in Brazil is twice as high as a white woman. In the case of these women, in addition to gender motivation, the racial issue is taken into account, showing the failure of public policies, since they do not reach peripheral black women.
To Walk 4´49´´, Marked Clothing series, 2017-2022Videoperformance4´49´´
Marked Clothing, Marked Clothing series, 2018Acrylic and spray on voil dress-flag.8 flag-dresses with the name of persecuted activists | Various dimensions
Bandeira ou o Feminicídio de Pindorama (Flag or the Feminicide of Pindorama), da série Indumentária Marcada, 2022Acrylic on voil290 x 190 cm
Feminicide, Marked Clothing series, 2017Video performance4´03´´
To Walk Box n.1, Marked Clothing series, 2017Acrylic on the fabric of the dress used on the ´´To Walk´´performance, box made of dark wood and glass45 x 103 cm
To Walk Box n.2, Marked Clothing series, 2017Acrylic on the fabric of the dress used on the ´´To Walk´´performance, box made of dark wood and glass43 x 64 x 8 cm
Free Dress, da série Indumentária Marcada, 2018Acrylic and spray paint on voile dress157 x 55 cmSeries: Indumentária Marcada
Vestido (Dress), da série Indumentária Marcada, 2019Acrylic on voil dress9 x 2,5 mSeries: Indumentária Marcada
Caminhar n. 1, da série Indumentária Marcada, 2017Inkjet printing on semi-gloss photo paper110 x 72 cmSeries: Indumentária Marcada
Caixa Caminhar n.3, da série Indumentária Marcada, 2017Acrylic on the fabric of the dress used on the ´´To Walk´´performance, box made of dark wood and glass48 x 63 x 8 cmSeries: Indumentária Marcada